The President wants to cut the arts funding. Does he dislike the arts so much? Creating "alternative facts" seems to be an art form in and of itself. We could say he is being artistic, bring it to his attention in some grand way, and maybe he'll hate that he is creating art and stop. Maybe it's not art if it's created to mislead or confuse or harm? But maybe art is only art if created to help people become less delusional and more empathic? Maybe it's created to make us more aware of ourselves. Maybe it soothes some souls, the creators' and the audiences'.
This man has made me more aware of needing to pay attention, to listen closer, to read closer, to think more, and also made me more aware of negative speech. In turn, he has made me think about history and want to learn more. However, alternative facts are lies for agendas created to mislead and deflect our energies. We have to constantly think about what the truth is and that depletes our energies for other positive helpful things we could be doing. And he doesn't soothe me.
Will I become more aware of my own speech, now? Will I become more aware of harm being done to others? Will I become more compassionate? Will I become what people call an activist? Will I become more aware of harm being done to me? Will I start speaking more negatively? Will I think negative thoughts? Will I create more art? -- Is it the intention behind the art that makes art art? Do artists think about their intentions? Can negative speech be art? Is it the reaction from its audience what makes art worthy of the classification as art?
Hold up! Artists, musicians, thinkers who believe he will cut the NEA: Maybe the news about cutting the NEA was put out to distract us, so we focus on trying to save it, spend precious time thinking about that, rather than using our artistic talents in ways to create change, create awareness of fairness, create beauty, connect to others in peaceful ways. -- Maybe we need to come together and allocate energies.
What is this man's motivation? All beings have the potential to do good; I suppose all beings also have the potential to do harm. Many Americans put their trust in this President to do good, not harm.
Programs such as operas aired late at night on PBS can bring joy. Consider that my all-inclusive statement of what the arts when shared do, because right now I have to go write part of my book and finish an essay for class. (Oh yeah, I do have a job, for those who may think I don't really work. --- Will need full-time job very soon when out of school. Might have to settle for more hours at two part-time jobs or three. These subjects belong in another post, not here, though.)